Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallow's Eve

God I love Halloween. As a kid it's all about dressing up and punishing as much candy as possible. As an adult it's all about dressing up and punishing as much alcohol as humanly possible.

Anime characters dressing as anime characters hurts my brain...

This morning while I was walking my dog I noticed how much today not only looked like a fall day, but looked like Halloween as well. It was overcast, the wind was blowing, leaves were swirling around in the wind and covering my entire neighborhood. It really looked amazing! I went to grab my camera to take some picture but realized that the batteries were dead and I didn't have time to run out and buy some. Lame!

In other news, last night (or technically 5am this morning) I got WoW running on the spare computer and it runs fine! Huzzah! Unfortunately for me I got it up just in time for the Warcraft Hallow's End holiday event to end (dammit!) and not only that I will be gone this entire weekend! So sadly I will not be able to feed my sweet sweet addiction to WoW until late Sunday night. I haven't played in a month, I think I can wait another day or so. Maybe.

Well I best be on my way. Hope everyone has a great holiday. Don't eat too much crap and don't get alcohol poisoning...


Michael Flux said...

Maybe Halloween is better in other countries, but in US atleast I personally quite hate it. All the time the candy that everyone gives out is such pure shit :p

Phossil said...

Maybe we should reconsider instead give candy we could give something healthier to kids.