Thursday, February 18, 2010

Near Accident...

Was almost in a serious car crash today and I'm just going to copy and paste the email I sent to my friends right after it happened...

"""I was just driving back to my house and seriously could have almost been killed in a fucking accident. I'm doing about 50 in a 45 mph street, as is everyone else, when this fucking truck up ahead is obviously NOT paying attention and pulls out right into the middle of the street! He was trying to get to the neighborhood across the street and decided he could "make it" and accelerated. My mind is racing so fast I couldn't even believe what I was seeing so I slammed on the breaks as hard as I possibly could. My car skids for about 10-15 if I was to guess while I am turning the wheel to the right. I was in too much shock to slam on the horn but I do actually remember screaming "What the fuck" as loud as I ever have in my entire life. The whole thing went so fast and I see as my car missed his front bumper by about a foot or less and I skid to a stop in the middle of the road. I am absolutely frozen about 10 seconds or so when i hear a honk. I look to my right and it's this older guy in his 50's with his window down. I snap out of it and lower my window and he was yelling "Are you OK?? What the hell was that asshole doing he almost killed both of us! I can't believe he actually accelerated!" I nodded my head. "I have to say though that was unbelievable. I can't believe you got your car around him like that. Are you sure you are OK?" I told him I was fine and that my house is just down the road and he gives me a thumbs up and drives away.

It was nice of him to compliment my maneuver but at the time I was in so much shock I couldn't even register what had just happened. I looked behind me to see where the truck was and I assume he drove away in fear. I had contemplated turning around and going into the neighborhood that he was so desperate to get to that he didn't mind endangering people's lives, but my entire body was literally trembling and I couldn't even think straight so I pulled my car to the side and I just sat there for a couple minutes with my hazards on while I collected myself. I didn't want to drive in that condition. I'm still shaking a bit now and that was 30 minutes ago."""

Then after laying down for a bit and the initial shock wore off I went back to my email and said this to my friends...

"""Yeah I haven't been thinking too hard about the driver, I've just been thinking about the fact that it actually happened. I have never in my life been that scared before, ever!! It was SO CLOSE. So fucking close. Doing 50 down the road and then have something pop out like that is insane! It's like dodging a brick wall that pops out of nowhere and you just have to slam on the breaks and pray that you somehow get around it.

There was a quick realization that while I was skidding towards him he was still moving forward and my heart basically stops as I see myself getting closer and closer to his front tire. I then suddenly feel my steering wheel turning to the right. I don't remember him stopping but he must have because I felt my car skidding at an angle like Mario Kart and instead of seeing his front tire in my front windshield I was now seeing his headlights passing right by my face on my side windows.

I am so so so so so lucky. If it was another car it still would have been bad, but running straight on into a fucking truck? I'm trying to get the image out of my head..."""

I've done my best to describe it in as much detail as I can and even that doesn't feel like it does it justice. Obviously things like this happen so fast it doesn't even seem real and instincts just kick into gear. My tiny car would have been completely fucked by this truck. Seeing the image of the front end of the truck as it barely grazes mine is literally going to haunt me the rest of my life. When I pulled up to my neighborhood I parked the car and was about to get out but my legs were trembling so much I just decided to sit there for several minutes, slammed my head on the steering wheel and fucking balled my eyes out.

I can honestly say I have never, ever, ever, ever, EVER been so scared in my entire life. It was way too fucking close...

1 comment:

bluedrakon said...

Damn, I am glad that you are okay and the weather was not as it was last week. Thinks were sure to have ended differently.
It is really stupid how people try to "gun it" in hopes of making it in time. It just goes to show that they were impatient and did not want to wait. My wife keeps telling my son that patience is a virtue and should not be rushed.
It must of been comforting to know that you were not the only one that this moron almost took out.