Saturday, February 20, 2010


I made a post recently about my friend making his employees believe he is Superman, which was hilarious! But we have both gone through some hard times and always feel the same way when it comes to helping people. He sent me this personal message on Facebook and allowed me to share it with you all...

"""Isn't it interesting how life experiences effect people in different ways? You always hear about how some people are changed forever by certain circumstances that occur in their lives, or by the ones around them. What I find even more interesting is how the same incidents that effect different people can provoke different reactions. I believe if they happen when we are young enough that it can mold us to whom we are today and who we become in the future. I thought a lot about this ever since I lost my brother. The person it has made me is something I'm both afraid of, and proud of in different ways. On one hand, I feel like I have become desensitized by almost everything. It's almost like nothing effects me anymore. I have had relationships come and go and really not feel anything from it. I see others who have problems in their lives, and depending on the degree of the situation I just gaze and think to myself, why are they letting this effect them? I wouldn't let it bother me. Have I lost my heart, my soul? Do I not have feelings? Then I take a step back and I literally have to think about this persons emotions and how they feel, and why it's effecting them. It scares me for a split second, why don't I feel like this? Should I? Have I ever? Then the other half of me seems to understand what people go through and it makes me want to help. It almost bothers me to see people stress about everyday situations that they can not control. I do not understand it. I consider myself to acknowledge, act, and move on very quickly to any situation that any other person would dwell on for any given time. Then there's always that other half of me that chimes in and wants to help. I think about it and wonder why? Why do I want to help someone? Is it because my brother died and nobody could help him? Is it because I want to make sure nobody has to feel that same way I did, or is it because I truly care about people in general? I like to think that I'm like you Sean, I put others before myself. I really do not matter to me, as long as everyone is else is ok, I know I'm going to be just fine. Sean, if you remember one thing I tell you remember this, everyone who knows you, your friends, family, co-workers, all know who you truly are. We all know you are a very loving, passionate, selfless individual and I commend you on that. Never change my friend. As for the individuals around us who are the exact opposite of us, consider them opportunities. These "opportunities" are the very same individuals who need someone like you. Whatever you do, do not let their acts of ignorance, immaturity, and selfishness effect who you are Sean. Keep your head up..."""

Just wanted to share that...

1 comment:

bluedrakon said...

WOW! Right on the mark. Can't add to that in any way possible.
Thanks for sharing